Save A Life

We have reached 11 communities with health coverage; provided education on HIV/ AIDs, Hygiene, and waste management. Hundreds of adolescent girls have had an education on sexual reproductive health and rights.


When a community gets access to basic healthcare services, it can just change about everything. It helps improve health, increase access to food, grow local economies, and help kids spend more time in schools.

 At YDCA Liberia, we create just that environment by developing programs to meet community needs. We mobilize resources and work with community leaders to design applicable solutions to addressing their health challenges.

We educate illiterate poor families and communities on hygiene promotion and healthy living in their homes, and surrounding.  We provide these basic health practices for family heads and train youths to serve as community health security agents. These ensure sustainable health practices in our projects’ settings. 

We provide a space that educates adolescent girls and young women on sexuality and their rights to education both in schools and communities. YDCA collaborates with other partners to promote health campaigns on HIV/AIDS and chronic diseases in various underserved communities in Liberia.  

Moreover, we also work with stakeholders and partners to provide safe drinking water and Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) Latrines Facilities in communities and schools in Liberia. 


YDCA LIBERIA Progress Report on Pilot Phase

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